Health News



15/11/2019 Health News

We would like to raise awareness to our patients, their families and communities about men’s health in this month. Movember (a portmanteau of the Australian-English diminutive word for moustache, “mo”, and “November”) is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.


11/10/2019 Health News

October is the Breast Cancer Awareness month. This theme is intended to alert everyone around the world about the still high mortality rates of this cancer. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) this year 3,000 will lose their life – 8 every day. In Australia, 53 Australians are diagnosed every day. It is a sad reality, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Prevention is the best solution, but also advanced treatments are being tested to get an end to these stories. There is still a long path, but the NBCF mission brings exciting news: Zero deaths by 2030.


04/10/2019 Health News

When it comes to health, prevention is better than a cure. Screening programs are designed for people without any signs or symptoms. So even if you feel healthy, it’s wise to keep up to date with your appointments.

Why regular health checks are important

It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to:

  • check for current or emerging medical problems
  • assess your risk of future medical issues
  • prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • update vaccinations.

Health checks are usually incorporated into routine medical care. Your doctor will often perform these checks when you are visiting for another condition, such as a cold or another problem. Your doctor will then tell you how often you need to have a health check.

Having a health check is also a time to examine your lifestyle to see what improvements can be made. This may be something you regularly do yourself or discuss with a healthcare professional.


27/09/2019 Health News

In the Dementia Awareness Month, we would like to raise awareness together with Dementia Institute Australia and all community to reduce the impact of discrimination on people living with dementia, their families & carers.

Dementia is the term used to describe the symptoms of a number of illnesses that affect the brain. It is not one specific disease. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.

Dementia causes a progressive decline in a person’s functioning and affects a person’s thinking, behaviour and ability to perform everyday tasks.


17/09/2019 Health News

According to Beyond Blue, in Australia, it’s estimated that 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. In any one year, around 1 million Australian adults have depression, and over 2 million have anxiety.


29/07/2019 Health NewsNews

The campaign DonateLife Week, from July, 28th until August, 4th, is empowered by Organ and Tissue Authority. The main goal is to encourage more Australians to register to be an organ and tissue donor. Also, to have a chat about it with their family and friends.

Familywise Medical Practice, in support of Organ and Tissue Authority, wants to inspire you all to make a real difference to the lives of others. By registering and telling your family you want to be a donor you will help other’s lives.


16/07/2019 Health News

More than protecting you from a cold, Vitamin C plays an important role in a number of bodily functions including forming and maintaining bones, skin and blood vessels. And more recently research has shown that its antioxidant activity may reduce the risk of some cancers.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has been known as the vitamin that helps protect and reduce cold severity and duration. Although, there are much more benefits from this vitamin that can be easily found in fruits and vegetables.


14/05/2019 Health News

It’s that time of the year – Flu season. This year, 4 different strains are included in vaccine to protect you from other strains. Most people develop immunity within 2-3 weeks of vaccination. It is recommended that you get vaccinated prior to the peak of the season Mid April – August. It is not too late now. The most effective way to protect yourself and your family is goto your GP and be vaccinated.


13/04/2019 Health News

You will need to book an appointment with one of our doctors to receive the vaccine. Please be aware there is a $20 fee for the vaccine unless you are eligible for one of the government-funded vaccines.

The vaccine prepares and boosts your immune system to help fight the virus if you are exposed to it. People who get the flu shot every year are better protected against flu than those who do not get vaccinated.

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(02) 8526 5666

(02) 8660 2100


Suite G04, 5 Celebration Drive, Bella Vista NSW2153



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8660 2100 | 8526 5666

Opening hours

Monday:         09:00 AM – 06:30 PM
Tuesday:         09:00 AM – 06:30 PM
Wednesday:   09:00 AM – 06:30 PM
Thursday:       09:00 AM – 06:30 PM
Friday:            09:00 AM – 06:30 PM
Saturday:        08:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday:          CLOSED
Public Holidays:  CLOSED

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